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Yes - digital and in print. We occasionally may publish multi-page flyers for special occasions and awesome sales events but in the meantime, please use our website, come visit us, make a point to stop by shows or heck, give us a call! We'd love to help.
Yes, but not with free shipping. Freight will be calculated and charged separately via a separately invoice.
Free shipping applies to orders over $100 and within the contiguous US states. Exclusions apply to oversized or overweight items. (For example: cabling and bracing, ladders, poles over 6', chipper knives, etc.) Additionally, Mauget products qualify for free shipping when purchased in a complete case. [br] Exclusions will be calculated offline and you will contacted by a SHELTER representative to complete your order and get your order heading your way.
Yes. We do offer discounts and sales; join our mailing list and be in the know! We also have loyal customer discounts and corporate accounts. Need more information? Drop us a line.
We accept major credit cards including: Visa, Master Card, American Express and Discover, as well as PayPal.
Yes we do in North Attleboro, Massachusetts (not far from Foxboro Stadium). Stop in, we'd love to meet you. We're open 8-5 pm Monday - Friday (excluding major holidays). We also have a retail location in Ashland, VA.
Absolutely. Please email us or call to request a credit application.
We sponsor industry events frequently. Drop our Marketing Team a line, and we’ll see what we can do for you.
Yes of course! We'd be happy to sell you high quality tools and products. Please understand though we reserve the right (in good conscience) to not sell certain products (like climbing gear) to folks who are untrained. We are here first to support the professionals who are trained in tree care.
Yes. Please drop us an email or reach us at 800-720-8733, we'd love to discuss how we can help your company.
You can purchase gift certificates online or over the phone. Please do not lose your card, numbers are not recorded on file, treat them like cash.
Give us a call or email; we'll happily discuss your return options if under 30 days from date of purchase and in new condition. [br] A restocking fee of 15% will be charged on returns over 30 days from date of purchase.
If your order is placed before 2pm and your products are in stock, you will receive your gear within 1-2 days in the Northeast.