SAMSON TRUE BLUE 1/2 - Two Sewn 3 Inch Eyes
Description: Samson True Blue - 12 Strand - 1/2 in. Climbing rope is an all polyester climbing rope with high strength, low stretch, excellent abrasion resistance, and a long service life. Soft hand and good flexibility and knot holding abilities. Minimal to no milking and stays firm and round in use. True-Blue can also be used for light duty rigging applications. True-Blue braided climbing line is a unique combination of solution dyed blue polyester fiber wrapped over white polyester. The result is permanent color that won't fade or run, with high visibility in trees.
Details: Diameter: 1/2" | 12mm
ABS: 7,300 lbs | 3300 kg
Construction: Single 12 strand braid
Cover/Core: Polyester
Elongation at 10%: 2.6%
Weight: 8.8 lbs per 100' | 3.9 kg per 30m
Spliceable: No
Brand: Samson